Our personal values are the standards that we use to navigate our way through life, based on the principles which are important to us. A belief is what we ‘believe to be true’. Both can both serve us or work against us. Our values begin to develop from the moment we are born, through childhood and as we grow into adults. Both are dependent on what we are exposed to along the way.
Our core values are pivotal to how we interact and experience life. They determine how our individual journeys develop, as they are quite simply the beacon we use to guide us through every single decision or choice we make and result in the interactions we have.
Most people are unaware how much our internal belief systems have an impact on our lives, or that it is possible to change those beliefs if they are not serving you. Many have an attitude that life ‘happens to’ them. They don’t uncover the thought processes or beliefs that may have caused the situation they find themselves in. This is where the art of reflection and understanding how our minds work becomes so powerful. It changes lives.
Humans need connections to others. It comes from a primal need to ‘belong’ because in the past our very survival depended on being part of a tribe. Outcasts would be eaten by something with very large teeth! So, our instinct to ‘belong somewhere’ is deep-seated in our psyche. However, we don’t always evaluate the modern-day ‘tribe’ we find ourselves in. If we don’t, we may feel out of alignment. So, we either try and change to ourselves to fit in and are ultimately unhappy, or leave, find a new tribe – & thrive.
My whole life has revolved around supporting others. When I dived deeper my two core beliefs became crystal clear. Living life from a place of Integrity & with Grace. I believe this so deeply that Integrity & Grace was the original name of my business. When you work with a Life Coach, aligned values are important, so these are mine:
Life has a habit of sending us curveballs, so when we have a solid set of values, they guide us through the roughest of storms. Leaning on and listening to our core values will help us make decisions that align with who we are as they are the cornerstones of our soul.
Values & beliefs are one of the first thing I discuss with clients as they often hold the key to ‘unsticking’ someone. Either my client isn’t living a life that’s aligned to their values & they don’t know how to change that, or their belief systems are out of kilter and are in need gentle re-direction.
If you would like to learn more about your values & beliefs grab my guide by clicking this link.
If you’d like to take advantage of expert guidance on how to change belief systems that may be keeping you stuck, or some professional support to see if you are living in alignment with your values or then RIPPLE is just for you. A 2-session workshop where we will dive deep and find you some answers…
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